I am looking for the document that explains how to adjust the value
of chunk size in com.google.appengine.api.datastore.FetchOptions.
Please let me know if you have some information about this. The reason
of it is as followings.
  I tried deleting more than 110,000 entities, and accepted the
following warning in the logs of the execution.
[the warning in the logs]
warning : This query does not have a chunk size set in FetchOptions
and has returned over 1000 results.  If result sets of this size are
common for this query, consider setting a chunk size to improve

  So, I looked for the javadoc of FetchOptions, and found the
following descriptions.
[the javadoc of FetchOptions]
   public final class FetchOptions extends java.lang.Object
   chunkSize determines the internal chunking strategy of the Iterator
returned by PreparedQuery.asIterator(FetchOptions) and the Iterable
returned by PreparedQuery.asIterable(FetchOptions).
   Note that unlike limit, offset and cursor, prefetchSize and
chunkSize have no impact on the result of the PreparedQuery, but
rather only the performance of the PreparedQuery.
   public FetchOptions chunkSize(int chunkSize)
      Sets the chunk size. Please read the class javadoc for an
explanation of how chunk size is used.
           chunkSize - The chunk size to set. Must be greater than 0.

But, I haven't been able to get the information how to adjust the
value of chunk size from it. Is there the other class javadoc for an
explanation of how chunk size is used? I am waiting for the nice

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