Hello everyone,
I was planning to make a game application using Flash as client and
GAE as back-end.
The game interaction level is like the classic Petville or Farmville.
My questions are actually 2.

1) What's the best way to let GAE's (and so Big Table) interact with
Flash (AS3)?
There is an important fact to keep into account. This application will
have it's own GAE sandbox, but it will also need to send and receive
data from other GAE sandboxes that are in my account.
For example, if I find an item in game A, and I want to send that to
game B, I need to write this informations on both the GAE sandboxes.
It's not important on my side of view if it's the Flash client
communicating with both sandboxes, or it is GWT (that include the
Flash application) or even the back-ends communicating with each other
(for security reason this one would be the best though).
I've heard about JSIO, JSNI and JSONP, others spoke about specific
libraries they use. However I don't have actually understood what
choice suits my needs.

2) Is it possible to minimize the number of HTTP requests making some
sort of grouping of them? I will try to explain this better.
Sometime it is not necessary to constantly update the server, take for
example "user moves a chair from (x.123, y.128) to (x127, y.130)", I
think that you should be able to store some of this data before making
a HTTP request for it, the client side can easily keep going, and
everything will be fine even if the server is not updated every action
the user does.
But it may become a problem if the user after making this actions quit
the application to move to another page. How can I be sure that the
actions the user did will all be saved on the server side? The safe
mode would be a request per action, but as I've said before it's a
performance killer (and expensive).
Actually the Flash application may even store most of the data until
the user decides to quit the application.
I hope I was able to explain the problem.

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