Alfred made this comment, which sheds a lot of light on it:

On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 8:56 PM, Alfred Fuller <> wrote:

> if you set chunkSize and not prefetchSize every call will try to return
> chuckSize results (even the first call)
> if you set prefetchSize and chunkSize, the first call will try to return
> prefetchSize results, and every call after that will try to return
> chunkSize results.
> it is there mainly for legacy issues (originally the first call never
> returned any results, today most queries only ever need a single rpc).
> Here are some use cases:
> "I know I need ~300 results but might need a few more."  ->
> prefetchSize=300, chunkSize=20
> "I want to start a bunch of queries, do something else, then process all
> the data." -> prefetchSize=MAX_INT (to maximize the number of results
> fetched async in the first batch)
> "I want all results" -> chunkSize=MAX_INT (prefetch size is not needed
> because the first call will use chunk size)
> "I want <limit> results" -> limit=<limit> (chunkSize is automatically
> maxed when a limit is set)

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