On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 1:59 PM, Toby Reyelts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm mostly in agreement with Lex here. Bytecode isn't a "highly-
> optimized" format. In fact, most Java compilers do almost no
> optimizations on the bytecode they generate. This makes the job of
> "understanding the code" easier on the JIT. I think this is fairly
> self-apparent when you recognize that Java decompilers are awfully
> good at reconstructing Java programs from bytecode.
> So, it's not really bytecode that prevents GWT from supporting other
> languages. Rather, it's that most other languages posited for GWT rely
> on dynamic features of the JVM - i.e. reflection and dynamic class
> loading. For example, Groovy, JRuby, and Jython all make heavy use of
> these features. GWT avoids these features, because they are not
> readily optimizable in the environment of a JavaScript application.
> Scala's a great counter-example to this - Most of the libraries and
> core features of Scala aren't dependent upon dynamic class loading and
> reflection. In my opinion, it's imminently feasible to have GWT Scala
> applications. We're certainly willing to review patches.

Given that Scala is vastly better than Java and is quite stable, is
there any particular reason why Google doesn't use Scala for its own


> On Oct 25, 2:33 pm, Lex Spoon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Oct 21, 3:59 pm, Peter Recore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > I don't think "mistake" is the right word there.  I'm not an expert on
>> > Java Compilers and JVMs, but I'll go out on a limb here and risk
>> > embarrassing myself - my gut feeling is that Java is much easier to
>> > compile into javascript than random bytecode is.  GWT makes aggressive
>> > optimizations based on information it can infer from java semantics.
>> > If GWT had to generalize to work with any possible bytecode, I doubt
>> > the resulting javascript could be as efficient.
>> I work on the GWT compiler, and I agree with your conclusion but not
>> with the reason.  The issue is more the combination of:
>> - the output format is an expression language with general nesting,
>> while bytecode is more like a three-address intermediate
>> representation (IR)
>> - current JS vm's have terrible optimization, though that is changing
>> - output size is very important for GWT, which isn't changing
>> It would be bad to emit code that looks like this:
>>   var t1, t2, t3;
>>   t1 = bar;
>>   t2 = foo(t1);
>>   t3 = baz;
>>   return t2 + t3;
>> You really want to emit this, instead, which is both shorter and, on a
>> non-optimizing JS VM, faster:
>>   return foo(bar) + baz;
>> If GWT took bytecode as input, then it would need to be able to
>> transform code that looks like the former into code that looks like
>> the latter.  This has advantages other than being able to take
>> bytecode as input, so it might be worth looking into.  However, it
>> would take a significant amount of work -- a man-month perhaps -- to
>> add this transformation to the compiler, and thus far there have
>> always been competing features that seem more important.
>> The reason given so far in this thread is that bytecode would be bad
>> for optimization.  That's actually the opposite of the truth.  A
>> bytecode-like three-address IR would be really convenient for
>> optimization, because it makes the control flow explicit.  With the
>> current tree-like IR, the compiler's optimizers have to do some really
>> tricky reasoning about control flow around an expression.  Just look
>> at the two examples above.  In the first example, control flows from
>> the first statement to the last, one after the other.  In the second,
>> control flow hops all over the place, forward and backward.
>> By the way, for Scala in particular, I don't think going through
>> bytecode is the best way.  It would be better to work out a new
>> intermediate format that is like Java source, but that does not have
>> the silly restrictions that Java has that GWT does not need.  For
>> example, that intermediate format should have an equivalent to multi-
>> expressions (that is, C's or JavaScript's comma operator, or Scala's
>> block expressions).  Scala could easily generate it, and GWT could
>> easily take it as input.   Such a format might be useful for other
>> projects, too.  It would have the flexibility of bytecode while
>> retaining nested expressions.
>> Lex Spoon
>> PS -- I'm not in this group; I was simply pointed at the thread
> >


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