> SQL databases are great at hiding really horribly-inefficient queries.

That's fine with me. I don't mind them being hidden if the alternative is
that I have to write my own even more really horribly-inefficient code to
get things done

> What "scalable" means is often hard to see on a traditional SQL
> database, since its "simple" queries are really turning into big table
> or index scans behind the scenes. It requires a good DBA to keep that
> scalable.

Well, 1000 clubs with 10 courts and 24/365 and one booking means 1 booking
record in a traditional SQL database. It's hard to see how this is really
horribly-inefficient when compared to checking 100 million records to find
the one used booking if I do it the way some people are suggesting here.

For other scenarios, I'm sure the reverse is true, but Google developed
BigTable for a very specific need, i.e. shoving complete web pages into a
big table whereas relational databases have been developed over many more
years and had many times the resources used on them to produce a
general-purpose database system. BigTable is not designed for many of the
tasks that relational databases *are* designed to do and relational
databases are not designed to index every web page on the planet.


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