2008/11/6 Ross Ridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Ian Bambury wrote:
> > Well, 1000 clubs with 10 courts and 24/365 and one booking means 1
> booking
> > record in a traditional SQL database. It's hard to see how this is really
> > horribly-inefficient when compared to checking 100 million records to
> find
> > the one used booking if I do it the way some people are suggesting here.
> The GAE engine solution will find the unbooked courts in a single
> index lookup.  It will never scan the index nor will it ever scan 100
> million records as you suggest.  It will perform the same whether
> there is just 1 booking or there are 50 million bookings.

Well, that is good news. If the index is in date-time order, how does it
avoid having to scan the index for the status of the 'booked' flag? If the
index is in 'booked' flag order, how does it avoid having to scan for

Not that is matters if what you say is true, I'm just interested. Can you
point me to some documentation so I can pass it on to the client, please.

That just leaves the problem of billions of records taking up space - surely
even Google has some limit on this?

Thanks for your help, Ross.


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