I would like to echo Aral's post.  Language wars generate noise, not
analysis.  It's no surprise that the top four issues *by a mile* are
just adding language ABC.  It is depressing that people are working on
that at the expense of other things.

Admittedly, I am assuming that providing a complete application
platform is the primary goal of GAE?  More languages at this point
hints that the goal is to provide multiple incomplete application
platforms.  Not supporting asynchronous processing is an enourmous
hole, and to not have it on the roadmap, well, it almost seems like
team members are making their own decisions about what they want to
do :).

I understand that as a business, you want the largest user base, and
supporting PHP or Java is going to greatly increase that - but you are
creating a rod for your own back by branching out in this way before
the platform offering is compete.  The pressure to get any new
features right the first time goes up exponentially with more (and
paying) customers, and the difficulty in getting it right goes up
exponentially with more runtimes, because you have a larger, more
complex codebase.

The thing is, *I know* you are going to get round to it - I'm psychic
- but there is no way that I can tell an investor, a client, or a
business partner that I'm psychic, they just aren't that enlightened -
they go for the old-school way of making business decisions.

Client - 'Can I run a report on this thing?',
Me     - 'Spirit guide says yes - soon.',
Client - 'Shut-up fool. Bob says we should be on Amazon.'

It wouldn't take much to stop that conversation from happening.

I don't want to use another platform.  BigTable is, frankly, awesome.
Its a killer feature.  After using it, I don't want to contemplate the
thought of managing my own data layer again.  But I have to, because
asynchronous processing isn't even on the map. :(

Perhaps - to get asynchronous processing up the issue list you could
combine the following two issues


and just call it 'Asynchronous Processing' - at least it would get
above adding perl as a supported laguage.  God forbid we couldn't
deploy a perl application to app engine.

I haven't got a blue hat, because someone lost it.

I'm sure this kind of post is why you don't publish roadmaps :)

Better tack this on as well - I'd love for you to secure the python
interpreter -


The actual code for doing so has been submitted with this issue, and
its something you would want to do sooner rather than later so you
don't break too many existing apps that rely on it being insecure.  It
looks like something you might be able to knock out fairly quickly?

On Nov 5, 5:05 pm, Aral Balkan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To illustrate my point further with an analogy:
> Google App Engine is here right now:http://icanhaz.com/rightscaleweb
> It needs to be here:http://icanhaz.com/rightscalepremium
> Aral
> On Nov 5, 3:54 pm, Aral Balkan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> The roadmap is a 
> great step forward, thank you.
> > I am, however, disappointed at seeing "Support for a new runtime
> > language" on the roadmap for the immediate feature.
> > Quite bluntly, I would have expected better triage.
> <snip>

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