It just occurred to me that this solution could be made much easier by
using a simple, small metaclass (which, it is worth noting, I totally
copped from GAE's PropertiedClass metaclass):

class ModelMixin(type):
  def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
    super(PropertiedClass, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct)

    for attr_name in dct.keys():
      attr = dct[attr_name]
      if isinstance(attr, Property):
        cls._properties[attr_name] = attr

class Commentable():
  __metaclass__ = ModelMixin

  comments_counter = db.IntegerProperty(required=True, default=0)

Bada-bing.  Now, the ugly nonsense of creating the _properties dict
and assigning to it is gone.
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