Let me start out by saying that I think the App Engine is
an incredible product and has amazing potential.

I think the choice of Python and Django as the initial
release of the product were brilliant and really got
the job done.

I would like to hear from Google as to where they are REALLY
at with this product -- where they are going -- and how serious
they are about putting the necessary resources in place to make
this product a production reality.

As a person who watches the industry very closely, I don't really
see the effort in place that could be there to make this happen,
and NOT porting to Django 1.0 by this time is just ONE example
of kind of dropping the ball so to speak...

Again, I am on Google's side and want to see this product be
incredibly successful -- I am just extremely disappointed with the
execution so far...

For months, I have been anxiously awaiting Google to put
in the hard work to make the switch to Django 1.0 a reality.

Months ago, I had conversations with Paul McDonald regarding
this issue, and still nothing...  This is extremely disappointing.

In my mind, it shows Google's lack of serious commitment
to the App Engine.  Actions really do speak louder than words.

Another interesting note that people at Google should seriously
take a look at is the amount of traffic on this mail list.  It has dropped
off dramatically from the glory days and initial months of this product

I am really baffled as to why Google didn't keep the momentum going,
you had such hype around this product -- and all you had to do was follow
through with execution...

The drop off in participation in this mail list is a direct sign
and correlation of the momentum slowing down...

Google, take the "bull by the horns" and re-ignite the user community
by delivering to us -- YOUR CUSTOMER -- what we want.

Django 1.0 is just one example of something the user community has
been anxiously asking for -- there are many other things...

Thank you for your continued support,

Michael I Angerman
Albuquerque, New Mexico


Below are Marzia Niccolai's comments Dec 12 regarding this issue...

Marzia -- couple of comments

- this an incredibly weak public response

- this response COMPLETELY shows the lack of professionalism and commitment
on Google's part to deliver what it takes to make the App Engine a TRUE
reality that we as customers can count on to run a robust, professional
business on your platform.

- brake should be break
- seems likely -- this is a technical issue that HAS TO be worked out by

I would say more here -- but if you read the words of this response closely,
its a reflection of many things that could be better...

Again, in summary -- I am not trying to be overly critical -- I am just
to some how get some results -- and again Django 1.0 would be it...


Hi Alex,

We are definitely interested in offering Django 1.0 with App Engine in the
future.  However, it seems likely that including Django 1.0 as the default
Django version with App Engine would need to be part of an api version
change, since such a change would likely brake existing apps.

In terms of the high CPU warnings, we are generally working on a solution
that will lesson the affect of such warnings on applications, so we hope we
can address this soon not just for this case, but in general.

As for the time concern, there isn't much right now that can be done.  But
as your application increases in popularity, it's more likely people will
see an already warm interpreter and thus not have to wait for a new


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