Thanks.  I used your suggestion and am now getting a 403 ("Forbidden")
error instead of 404 -
but at least the web server is finding the file.

Right now I am only serving up static PDF files.  I don't have any
experience with programmatically filling in blanks in a PDF form.

On Jan 1, 6:43 am, Garrett Davis <> wrote:
> I have a site - that serves up static pdf
> documents without a problem.
> I happen to have created a separate folder for them, so the app.yaml
> entry looks like this:
> - url: /pdf
>   static_dir: pdf/
> Note that, as with any 'static' files, the app server can serve them
> directly, but the Python application code cannot access them.  Maybe
> that is how you are getting those '404' errors.
> What I need to do, but can't do yet, is process "pdf forms" - have the
> app take a blank pdf document and "fill in the blanks" with data
> entered by the user.  There are open-source Java libraries to do this,
> but I couldn't find any pure-Python code that I could load into the
> App Engine.  I started to try a port of a Java library to Python, but
> after looking at a lot of Java source, my eyes glazed over.
> Are you, or is anyone else, working with pdf forms?
> Garrett Davis
> On Dec 30 2008, 8:55 pm, warreninaustintexas
> <> wrote:
> > When i use the sample code for image files (from the App Engine
> > documentation) in my app.yaml file, it works fine:
> > - url: /(.*\.(gif|png|jpg))
> >   static_files: static/\1
> >   upload: static/(.*\.(gif|png|jpg))
> > When I add pdf as a static file type ...
> > - url: /(.*\.(gif|png|jpg|pdf))
> >   static_files: static/\1
> >   upload: static/(.*\.(gif|png|jpg|pdf))
> > ... it produces a "404 - File Not Found" error from the web server.
> > Does anyone know how to configure app.yaml for pdf documents?
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