Do you use (Django) templates?
If not start using them, separate the function (code) from the
presentation (html)

Read the GAE example

There they show you how to use the
methods in templates, read the Django doc about templates for version
0.96 for more things you can do.

2009/1/12 thebrianschott <>:
> Geoffrey,
> It is not my desire to hardcode the urls, but I don't know how not to;
> my programming skills are limited. Or maybe I have not understood the
> suggests given here by you folks about how to do it in a way that is
> not hardcoded.
> The path a user takes in my application depends on whether s/he is
> logged in or not, and if logged in, whether s/he goes to a map s/he
> created or not. If a person has a google account, s/he may not want to
> use the app as if s/he does, because s/he will see different results
> from her/his users.
> On top of that, the users only interface with the app is via html
> pages, not python pages, so I don't know how to put links that change
> or appear and disappear according to user responses, into an html
> page. If I were to wait to ask the user about his/her logging
> preference at key times while the python program is in control, that
> would be ok, but I don't know how to do that in a way that keeps the
> html page visible in the background the way a javascript confirm
> dialog produces a little popup dialog window; that's my first choice,
> but I don't know how.
> My inclination is more toward developing another related app now, but
> I would be pleased to learn how to code a softcoded link if you or
> others can explain it to me.
> Thanks very much for expressing your question.
> On Jan 12, 12:11 pm, Geoffrey Spear <> wrote:
>> You still almost certainly want your app to dynamically generate the
>> links at runtime; I don't believe there's any guarantee that these
>> hardcoded links will keep working if Google changes the login system,
>> and the users API specifically includes functions that return the
>> correct URLs so you don't have to hardcode them.
>> I'm not sure why you think hardcoding in the link rather than
>> generating it at runtime has anything to do with the ability to not
>> require people to click it.  It still just shows up as a link on a
>> webpage.
> Brian in Atlanta
> >

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