You could do an entity that has 50 genre counters.

Some thoughts:

1) It seems like you can make genre part of a list property in a CD
since each CD will only be a small number of genres.

2) I wouldn't use a Reference List for a User entity, because a User
might have thousands of CDs.  See Rafe Kaplan's article on modeling
entity relationships (
modeling.html).    I'd model the User <-> CD relationship with a
separate Ownership entity that has key references to a CD and User
entity.  You could add additional info into this relationship model,
like whether the Owned CD has been lent to another User.

3) Are genres fixed or user-configurable (like a "tag" instead of a
universal genre)?  If they are like tags and user-configurable, you
could but the genre list in each Ownership entity.  Then if User X
wants to know how many "1980s Top Hits" he owns, you could query the
Ownership entities.  You could then memcache the (User, Genre, #CDs
for genre) tuple instead of keeping 50 counters in User and just query
again if needed.


On Jan 15, 2:23 am, Chen Harel <> wrote:
> Hi, In case I want to represent a music album datastore,
> I wish the user can add a cd that he likes (no need for information
> other than cd name and genres)
> Now, at first I looked at it as a RDBMS even in BigTable, meaning I
> had
> User entity
> CD entity
> Genre entity
> With list of refrences keys...
> Now after playing with it, I realized (at least I think so) that I am
> killing my application,
> Since I need to be able to supply the aggregations on "how many R&B
> cd's user XXX has"
> this query can't be optimized (at least with my current knowledge) on
> BigTable,
> So I need to start putting up counters... but I am questioning you
> about the number of properties allowed (or make sense)
> If I support 50 genres, can I simply do an entity that has:
> User:
>   id
>   name
>   cds (list of refrences)
>   total_cd_counter
>   trance_cd_counter
>   house_cd_counter
>   rnb_cd_counter
>   .. (47 more counters)
> And when I add / remove a cd for a user, I shall update the
> appropriate counter ...
> This will make query for the favorite genre (which is the main goal :)
> - Sorry I got to it only here) of the application...
> Please tell me if this will work, and will have sufficient
> performance / scaling capabilities...
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