Thank you for your suggestions, I really appreciate them.

My load test is sending data exactly as the physical devices in the
field would do.  Each device will send 4 Notes per POST, once a minute
(a note every 15 seconds).

I did not know about the "batch-put", I will make the necessary code
changes for that.  (Thank you Brett)

I'm grouping the notes with the devices they came from.  My first
implementation, simply used the ReferenceProperty(), but quickly ran
into the"too much contention for these entities" problem on the Note
entity.  Afterwatching Brett's presentation on "sharding", I thought
I'd get moreparallelizm by making the devices a group entity and
putting the notes in them. Which seemed to work, until I hit my
quota.  It's ok if the device group entity is 'locked' while inserting
notes associated with it.  Each physical device is unique, and it will
only make one POST at a time.  My goal is to be able to handle each
device in parallel.

If this works out, I'd like to run a 1 hour load test with 5,000
devices, to come up with a cost model for my company.  I expect the
number of devices to grow over the coming year, and need a scalable
system to support this load.

Thank you,
-David Story

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