Thank you Sebastian, I see what you are saying, and now wonder why it
to work better with the devices as group entities.

I'm attempting to delete the Note entities from the datastore, as I've
reached 23%,
and want to run another load test. I coded up a request to delete 512
Notes, then,
make that request repeatedly. That presented me with this error:
The API call datastore_v3.Delete() required more quota than is
I slowed down the rate at which I make that request by sleeping a
couple of seconds between each POST to the App Server.  Same error.

Then, using the dashboard, I attempt to view the Note entities and got
500 Server error.  Now, I can't view my Note entities.

Funny thing is, when I look at the quota details page, and everything
under the
column on the far right (Rate), states "Okay".  With only 3 of the
Daily Quota's
even showing a non-zero value.
Request:CPU Time = 4%
DataStore:Stored Data = 23%
DataStore:Datastore CPU Time = 3%

I'm trying some very simple things, and hope to get past these
In the cloud computing is a "good thing" and I want to take full
advantage of it.

-David Story
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