wow, awesome. thanks for implementing this, rodrigo! (and sorry for
exploding your head. :P)

On Jan 28, 9:42 pm, Rodrigo Moraes <> wrote:
> ooops, sorry, let me correct the result i got. only the third query
> doesn't match the one in ryan's doc:
> Original:
> -----------
> WHERE x = B.x AND y = B.y AND __key__ > B ORDER BY __key__ ASC
> WHERE x = B.x AND y < B.y ORDER BY y DESC, __key__ ASC
> WHERE x > B.x ORDER BY x ASC, y DESC, __key__ ASC
> This is what i get:
> -----------
> WHERE x = B.x AND y = B.y AND __key__ > B ORDER BY __key__ ASC
> WHERE x = B.x AND y < B.y ORDER BY y DESC, __key__ ASC
> WHERE x > B.x AND y = B.y ORDER BY x ASC, __key__ ASC

this is for an original query of 'ORDER BY x ASC, y DESC', right?

i believe my third derived query, ie without the y = B.y filter, is
right. one way to think about it is that the original query only has
sort orders, not filters, so it should return *every* entity that has
an x property and a y property. say the bookmark is B(x = 1, y = 1).
with your set of derived queries, no entity with x > 1 and y > 1 will
ever be returned, since every query has either an x = 1 filter or a y
= 1 filter. however, if you remove the y = B.y filter from the last
derived query (and add the y DESC sort order), it will include all of
entities with x > 1 and y > 1.
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