On Mar 4, 9:11 am, Devel63 <danstic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It is indeed a more complex query, and the IN values are keys.  At one
> point, I had tried to make them key values in a named reference
> collection, but while the data store never complained, it never
> returned any results.

understood. happily, for the purposes of this conversation, the type
of the IN values actually doesn't matter. IN won't generate an index
per list length regardless of the IN values' type.

> Can you confirm that it is impossible to make an entity query that
> filters by normal prop vals and by a list of keys in a collection?
> e.g. Entity.gql('WHERE prop1 = :val1 AND named_collection
> IN :key_list', val1=val, key_list=keys)

no, that's definitely possible. from http://shell.appspot.com/ :

>>> class Foo(db.Expando):
>>> Foo.gql('WHERE x = 0 AND y IN (1, 2)').fetch(3)
[<__main__.Foo object at 0xf5ca9957dc3a9c30>, <__main__.Foo object at
0xf5ca9957dc3a9fb0>, <__main__.Foo object at 0xf5ca9957dc3a9cb0>]

again, this is true regardless of the type of the filter values.

> Separately, spurred on by your comments, I cleared the datastore and
> started again.  Now, the index explosion is not occurring.  I guess
> that some interim query experiment requested such indexes, and
> stopping the datastore and deleting the indexes out of the index.yaml
> file was not sufficient to clear them, so they kept reappearing in
> index.yaml.

hmm. the dev_appserver stores both the datastore and the query
history, in separate files. i wonder if the query history file somehow
didn't get deleted. (it defaults to /tmp/
dev_appserver.datastore.history.) more in the docs:


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