> we'd love to provide operations for advanced users to manage the id 
> namespace, e.g. NextId(), SetNextId(), and ReserveIds(), which would all take 
> a root entity as their argument.

I assume that one of those operations allows programmers to assign the
id to a db.Model instance for a new entity.

I read that as saying that the ids that can be manipulated would be
wrt a given root.  (I'm surprised that it's a root entity and not a
root key, but that's not why I'm commenting.)

I understand why you're considering doing that, but it would also be
nice to have similar operations wrt "no root".  I don't always have a
reasonable way to name the root for a set of entities that I want to
create atomically.  For such roots, auto assigned ids are perfectly
acceptable.  However, since I currently don't get the id until after
the put, I can't use a single put to do the root and the children
without naming the root.  Yes, I can wrap two puts, one for the root
and a second for the children, into a transaction, but if I also want
the root to contain the children's keys, I can't get their names until
after the put that sets the root's id, which means that I need to put
the root entity twice, the second time with the children's names, and
I can't do that in a transaction.

On Mar 8, 5:23 pm, ryan <ryanb+appeng...@google.com> wrote:
> Waldemar Kornewald wrote:
> > I'm not against key ids in general. The problem with ids in App Engine
> > is that they can't be set manually which means backups become much
> > more difficult and when restoring a backup (or converting data from
> > SQL) URLs have to be changed (because the id can't be retained).
> absolutely, we agree.
> > Couldn't you allow for overriding ids while at the same time assigning
> > free ones automatically?
> definitely! we've considered this internally for a while. we'd love to
> provide operations for advanced users to manage the id namespace, e.g.
> NextId(), SetNextId(), and ReserveIds(), which would all take a root
> entity as their argument.
> it's not a high priority for us right now, but we would like to do it.
> as usual, feel free to file a feature request, or repurpose the one
> you filed,http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=1003
> .
> > Alternatively, would it be possible to configure models such that the
> > datastore assigns an unused key_name instead of an id? Is there really
> > such a huge performance problem with that? I'd accept it any time
> > because the price of using key ids is just too high for us (it could
> > be seen as some kind of vendor lock-in).
> this would be backward incompatible, since most existing entities use
> ids, so it's more unlikely. migrating would be doable, but painful.
> we're definitely interested in the id managament calls described
> above, though!
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