We have a new application that receives _very_ little load. So little,
in fact, that each request spins up a new application instance. We are
using Django trunk and the import overhead is high. All of this yields
a long request (e.g., 8802ms) using a lot of CPU (e.g., 3247ms-cpu).

With very little load, it makes sense that instances are recycled. On
that assumption, we've started applying some primer load against a
couple of uris in an attempt to keep some instances hot. We're
applying around 1 request/second across 2 uris.

When we hit a hot instance, we get blazing speed (e.g., url_1: 73ms
91ms-cpu, url_2: 368ms 615ms-cpu - these values are pulled from the
App Engine console Logs tool and I'm not completely sure if this
represents Runtime, or combined Runtime/API - I believe the latter).

Under this 1 request/second load, we are still seeing lots of instance
startup - even after 40-50 minutes of sustained load. Subjectively,
the instance startups seem to come in bursts, though we've done no
formal analysis around this.

Does anyone else see this behavior? It _really_ kills our application
performance - so much so, that we're considering moving away from
Django in an effort to minimize the start-up pain.

Any info or war stories would be appreciated.

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