On Apr 18, 11:34 pm, Dag <thedag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Very cool, but I don't know if this will solve the 'practical lock in'
> problem for GAE python. It may be hard to find a hosting provider that
> offers django along with long-running java processes.

I don't expect this to be used by people wanting to host on shared
infrastructure. This ought to be useful for anyone running anything
from their own VPS to a small cluster (presuming no app they run
requires more datastore than a single server can host). If it becomes
a practical alternative, I expect we'd see alternate hosts for App
Engine apps, using this or another datastore backend.

> Still, GAE-J developers now have a reasonable alternative and maybe
> some of your efforts can be applied to an all python version for BDB
> (or zodb).
> Thanks!
> -Tim
> On Apr 17, 9:59 am, Nick Johnson <arach...@notdot.net> wrote:
> > On Apr 17, 5:50 pm, johnP <j...@thinkwave.com> wrote:
> > > Quick question (I have not looked at your datastore at all yet) -
> > > Can using your datastore eliminate the limit of 1000 entities on a
> > > fetch?  Thanks -
> > BDBDatastore itself doesn't enforce any limits on results returned,
> > but it suffers all the same problems the App Engine datastore (and,
> > indeed, any other DB) does with it - doing a fetch for results 5000 to
> > 5010 is very nearly as expensive as fetching the first 5010 results.
> > Bear in mind, too, that you can't just choose to use BDBDatastore
> > while hosting your app with Google - it's intended for use when
> > hosting an app on your own (or someone else's) infrastructure.
> > -Nick
> > > johnP
> > > On Apr 17, 8:06 am, Nick Johnson <arach...@notdot.net> wrote:
> > > > Recently I've been working on a replacement datastore backend for App
> > > > Engine, to allow hosting apps in a production environment (eg, not the
> > > > dev_appserver), outside Google's cloud. Thanks largely to the long
> > > > easter weekend, it's now at a point where I feel comfortable showing
> > > > it off, and soliciting contributions and comments (including a better
> > > > name).
> > > > The short:
> > > > It's called BDBDatastore, you can find basic details 
> > > > athttp://arachnid.github.com/bdbdatastore/andprojectstatusathttp://wiki.github.com/Arachnid/bdbdatastore.
> > > >  It's written in Java,
> > > > runs as a standalone server, uses BDB-JE for the datastore backend,
> > > > and will support everything the dev_appserver and production
> > > > datastores support. It's not yet ready for deployment, but will be
> > > > soon.
> > > > The long:
> > > > See my blog entry 
> > > > here:http://blog.notdot.net/Announcing-BDBDatastore-a-replacement-datastor...
> > > > .
> > > > Mandatory disclaimer: I work for Google, and as of recently, I'm a
> > > > Developer Programs Engineer for Google App Engine. All of my opinions
> > > > here (on my personal account) are my own, of course, not Google's, and
> > > > BDBDatastore is developed in my own time, with my own resources,
> > > > completely independently of my work at Google.
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