The safest bet for time and other things is to have another attribute

datCreateDate = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add = True)
datModDate = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now = True)

While datCrateDate stores the creation date, datModDate stores the
last modified date.

Pranav P.

On Apr 26, 9:14 pm, Jens Scheffler <> wrote:
> > Does anybody know whether UNIX tme is the same on all google servers?
> I would not rely on that. What you could do is something similar as
> described 
> here:
> - add a second property (integer value) to your sharded model. The
> entity with the highest shard number is the last entity updated.
> - use memcache to remember the last id. Use the increment operation in
> memcache to increase the id whenever a new property is stored.
> - if the property gets evicted from memcache, find the right value
> from the datrastore and add it _conditionally_ back to memcache (to
> prevent race conditions)
> On Apr 26, 8:02 am, Ivan Maslov <> wrote:
> > I already have it in entity. But this entity is updated more than 5
> > times/second sometimes. THerefore I want to create sharders for it. See
> > article about it:
> > . But I
> > have a string property (not number) in entity. How can I know what sharder
> > was last updated?
> > I think to append UNIX time to property, e.g.: 'value1_1234567890',
> > 'value2_1234567894', etc. Does anybody know whether UNIX tme is the same on
> > all google servers?
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