I think my issue is that taskCode is being returned as a "None".

This is my objective. I want a form with two buttons on it.  When a
user clicks one button, I want to store a row in BigTable that shows
that "Task01" started at at the current date/time.  When he clicks the
second button, I want to update the completed time in that same row
with the current date/time.

Right now, I'm just working on the first button.  My idea was to set
the value of the which button they clicked in a hidden field.

Text1={{ form.text1 }}
<form action="{%url views.provision  %}" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="buttonFlag"
<input type="hidden" name="taskCode"   value="Task01">
<input type="submit" value="Start Setup Google Account"></td></tr>

I've alternatively tried defining my form like this:
<form action="{%url views.provision  %}" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="buttonFlag"
<!--<input type="hidden" name="taskCode"
{{ form.taskCode }}
<input type="submit" value="Start Setup Google Account"></td></tr>

but with this second method, the field is not hidden, it shows up in a
text box in front of the button.

Since I needed some way to debug and see the values, I wrote this code
in my views.py:

          text1 = "debug_info:"
          for key in TaskLog1.__dict__:
              if TaskLog1.__dict__[key] != None:
                 text1 = text1 + "\n" + key + "=" + TaskLog1.__dict__[key]
                 text1 = text1 + "\n" + key + "=None"
                    except:  #avoid errors when we hit an object such
as "User"

          form2 = ProvisionForm(initial={'text1': text1});
          return respond(request, user, 'provision', {'form': form2,
'TaskLog': TaskLog, 'text1': text1})

This allows me to pass "text1" back to the form to see what the value
are, and taskCode is always = None.

Any ideas how to get the value of which button was clicked?  I might
eventually have 100 such buttons, each with a different taskCode value

I've also tried setting the taskcode this way:
  form = ProvisionForm(initial={'taskCode': "mytest"})

Also, is there a smarter way to debug than what I did above?

Neal Walters

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