Anyone knows how to define unique constraint in datastore?

See I have a Blog model, and it has these properties:
name, content, title, keywords, description and so on.

I need provide a URL to get this blog like this:

So user cannot have two blogs that share the same name, otherwise one
of them cannot be gotten via URL.

I also need provide a way to change blogs' names.

It seems I need to define a BlogName model to store Blog's name as
keyname, and start a transaction to store the 2 entities:

1. Get BlogName entity by keyname, if not exsit, create one, else exit
as failed.
2. Create a Blog entity which parent and name is this BlogName entity.

1. Get BlogName entity by keyname, if not exsit, create one, else exit
as failed.
2. Get the old Blog entity and old BlogName entity by keyname.
3. Create a Blog entity which parent and name is this BlogName entity,
and rest the same to the old one.
4. Delete the old 2 ones.

Well, it seems can work, but how terrible it is!

And if I want a blog can have multiple names, so the two URLs can get
the same blog:

I don't think I can get them by keyname since they are in a list
property now, so it can't be done in a transaction.
And if I keep them in two Blog entities, I need change both of them
when I edit one of its properties.
So it seems I need define BlogContent model, BlogTitle model,
BlogKeywords model, BlogDescription model for referece from Blog

Any better idea for me?
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