This may be more efficient.
1. First, Check memcache , if hit, done.
2. If not, do a  url fetch. If the return has a 'Last-Modified' header, cache 
it in memcache. done

[] 代表 Bennomatic
发送时间: 2009年5月26日 0:49
收件人: Google App Engine
主题: [google-appengine] Re: urlfetch... Implementing my own cache? Memcache?

Hi Jordisan,

I'm working on something very similar, and yes, I do use both memcache
and the datastore, to ensure that the cached data lasts as long as I
want it to.  Memcache, IIUC, is not guaranteed to hold onto your data
for as long as you specify.  So my code looks like this:

on request for data:
 - Check memcache to see if I have it stored (the identifier is the
URL path).  This way, oft-requested files are served most quickly.
 - If not, check the datastore.  This way, I don't have to hit the
originating site for any non-updated data.
 - If not, do a URL fetch and grab it, caching it in memcache and

For my purposes, I don't store posts--since they're usually dynamic
CGI script requests on the sites I'm using it with, and I don't cache
gets that have query strings.  Eventually, I'm going to build a
management app that will allow me to specify cache time, purge stored
data manually, etc., but right now it's set up as described above.


On May 25, 2:49 am, jordisan <> wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm developing an application which connects to external APIs
> (delicious) via URLFETCH. Currently every request to my application
> causes one (or more) calls to that external APIs.
> I want to implement some kind of INTERMEDIATE CACHE BETWEEN MY APP AND
> EXTERNAL APIS to speed up response time and avoid bothering too much
> external systems.
> I'm not sure MEMCACHE is a good solution since every external call may
> be different depending on the request (typically it will be different
> for every user).
> Is there any easy-to-use solution for implementing that cache? Should
> I implement my own system? Is it a good idea to use Memcache?
> Thanks :)
> __
> jordisan

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