My Hero! Thanks!

On Jun 18, 3:08 am, Sylvain <> wrote:
> getattr should do the job :
> On 18 juin, 01:13, Brendan <> wrote:
> > This is probably fairly simple to do but I'm fairly new to GAE and am
> > having trouble with it.
> > Say I run a query on an entity like so:
> > query1=Client.all()
> > query1.fetch(1)
> > client=query1[0]
> > selecting the first entry in the entity Client.
> > Then I iterate through the list of fields like so:
> > for column in Client.fields():
> > How can I access the data for that column in the row given by the
> > query1 object? This is a fairly simple thing in Java with most
> > databases but I'm using Python and GAE..
> > I know I can access each element individually like this:
> > first_name = client.first_name
> > etc
> > however I need to be able to dynamically reference the name of the
> > field ..something like this
> > col_name = "first_name"
> > first_name_var = client.get(col_name)
> > thanks
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