Yes, I am seeing this (for the first time) today with my app as well.
I hope it resolves itself!

Nick, I will send my app id.

On Jul 13, 9:27 am, "Nick Johnson (Google)" <>
> Hi Jay,
> Can you post the app's ID and the URLs in question? In a private
> reply, if you're not comfortable linking to them here.
> -Nick Johnson
> On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 5:14 PM, Jay<> wrote:
> > Has anyone had issues with incorrect files being served? I have an app
> > running on the python runtime. Part of it serves up static images from
> > files - these are not in the datastore, but files.
> > A couple of weeks ago when Google had their file system problem, my
> > app started serving incorrect files. For example, instead of picA.jpg,
> > it was serving picB.jpg. This was not a function of the app itself, I
> > confirmed this by hitting the images with their URI directly.
> > Today this started happening again. It is not every image, just some.
> > And it consistently does it, i.e. the files that are wrong are random,
> > but they stay that way.
> > The last time this happened, it just fixed itself, but it took hours.
> > Again, I'm wondering if other people have seen this.
> > Thanks.
> --
> Nick Johnson, App Engine Developer Programs Engineer
> Google Ireland Ltd. :: Registered in Dublin, Ireland, Registration
> Number: 368047
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