The sv .po seems to have a colon too much so it doubles with use with
forms. All ready translations from the django library LC_MESSAGES can
get reused for our projects which is very good, templates work with
i18n and a custom request handler and some success currently
integrating translations with djangoforms where I must translate eg.
from django.utils import translation
class i18NForm(djangoforms.ModelForm):
  email = forms.CharField(max_length=127,label=_("E-mail
Then sv.LC_MESSAGES.django.po row 1584 read
#: contrib/admin/views/
msgid "E-mail address"
msgstr "E-postadress:"
Note the colon (:) then doubles when using it with djangoforms. Hence
my suspicion the colon should be removed otherwise it doubles.
It's only in the locale sv locale no didn't double the ":"
#: contrib/admin/views/
msgid "E-mail address"
msgstr "E-post adresse"
Should the colon get removed?

On Aug 2, 2:51 pm, Devel63 <> wrote:
> In the templates, use {% trans 'My string' %}.
> Put {% load i18n %} at the top of the file (must be one of first
> couple lines).
> On Aug 1, 11:22 am, Emilien Klein <> wrote:
> > Hi Devel63,
> > Thanks for your answer. But this is just for inside your Python files,
> > how do you manage text in the templates? Or don't you use templates? I
> > don't really see how you're managing this...
> > Is your app open source (i.e. Is there a place where I can see your
> > code)?
> > On 1 août, 10:31, Devel63 <> wrote:
> > > We use the Django 0.96 that is bundled with GAE.
> > >     from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
> > > Then just use _('My String") in the code, combined with the .po/.mo
> > > files.
> > > On Aug 1, 8:16 am, Rodrigo Moraes <> wrote:
> > > > On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 11:51 AM, Emilien Klein wrote:
> > > > > The problem I see with using Babel is that it IS an external library,
> > > > > which means that I need to integrate it with my project. What I'm
> > > > > looking for is a way to have a translated application WITHOUT having
> > > > > to install any external library...
> > > > Without any other external library, you have 2 options:
> > > > 1. use gettext -
> > > > 2. hack and patch django's i18n
> > > > The problem with the 2nd option is that your app stays tied to
> > > > django's ecosystem - later you need i18n in a small project and you'll
> > > > have to add django just for it. Ok, it is a valid solution, I just
> > > > personally prefer to use a external library that is not coupled with a
> > > > bunch of unrelated things, and avoid all the monkeypatching mess.
> > > > -- rodrigo
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