You can write a proxy and this shouldn't be a problem since the data is
binary and you don't need to modify the contents.

Also, large contents may be fragmented, that is, one video saved on more
than one file (Example: file1.rar, file2.rar, ..., fileN.rar). Your
application/proxy may be required to handle this and return one file to the
user. In that case you can save the links in the data-store and map them
with an ID and a sequence number. Then using the proxy, your application
will retrieve the data and proxy-it to the user.

Hope this helps,
Albert Attard

Marie von 
- "Even a stopped clock is right twice a day."

2009/8/3 Holger <w...@arcor.de>

> It may seem, but it's not trivial at all.
> > This seems like a pretty trivial thing to do
> The difficulty depends on how 'safe' the solution should be.
> I think the logical sequence could be:
> 1. User asks your appspot for video
> 2. User is redireced to your video source with an URL get attachment
> (the URL part behind the question mark) informing your video source:
> 2a. Information on the video which shall be presented to the user
> 2b. Information on user authorization
> -----
> An easy form of authorization proof would be a MD5 hash of a secret
> string plus date and hour. Your user could extract the url, but this
> url would work within the current hour only.
> ----
> A safer sequence would be a multi redirection.
> aa. The user is redireted to your video source with url '/requestA?
> video=xxxx key1=xxxx
> bb. Your video source creates a redirection to your appengine with url
> '/crypt?key1=xxxx key2=xxxx
> cc. Your appengine encrypts key2 with a secret string and redirects
> the user to your video source with the url '/requestB?key2=xxxx
> key3=xxxx
> Where key1 and key2 are une time use random numbers and key3 is equal
> key2 encrypted with a secret string.
> --
> Possibly this authorization sequence could need more code than user
> interaction itself.
> >

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