Thanks Nick, I willl look into the domains aliases on the single
account as that might be a good fit. otherwise I guess I will have to
set it up per client.


On Aug 4, 1:31 pm, "Nick Johnson (Google)" <>
> Hi Ninjamonk,
> On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 12:41 PM, Ninjamonk<> wrote:
> > Hi, I am working on an app I plan to sell to clients.
> > Can we have it so a cname record can just point to
> > without the need for google apps.
> This is not really possible - all App Engine (or any webapp) sees is
> the domain you requested - finding out what name you've CNAMEd it to
> would require a lookaside, which would degrade performance.
> You can provide an easier service for your clients by signing up for
> Apps yourself - either once per client, or just sign up once and add
> your clients' domains as aliases on the single Apps account. Then, you
> can set up the mapping yourself.
> -Nick Johnson
> > I have played around with this and I have one domain setup on www. and
> > created cname on another domain to point to this and this does not
> > work (it just throws a 404). If I create a cname to
> > I get google loading for me.
> > The reason I ask is its just confusing to clients and adds an extra
> > layer of support that is not needed(having to setup google apps or
> > accessing their current one).
> > I think the way that app engine works with domains needs looking at.
> > Kind Regards
> > Darren
> --
> Nick Johnson, Developer Programs Engineer, App Engine
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