You might also want to take a look at TwistedAE:
-Nick Johnson

On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 10:20 AM, Barry Hunter

> There already is:
> which uses BDB as the backend db.
> On 24/09/2009, Charlie <> wrote:
> >
> >  I recently had to port one of my applications, which makes heavy use
> >  of the Data Store API, to run outside AppEngine. A client needed the
> >  ability to install the application on their own internal web servers
> >  (Apache+mod_wsgi).  Thankfully I wasn't using any GQL, so I was able
> >  to write a very simple drop-in replacement for the
> >  google.appengine.ext.db module. I replaced memcache with a null API
> >  that just returns None for everything, eventually I'll have the client
> >  install memcached and link in a real API. These modifications allowed
> >  me to deploy the application to an Apache server with almost zero
> >  changes to the application's code base.  In fact the only changes were
> >  the import statements, (from myapp_wsgi.lib import db) which selects
> >  either my standalone db module or google's based on a config file.
> >
> >  The AppEngine SDK obviously includes a free standing db module, but
> >  without fully understanding the code base I wasn't willing to deploy
> >  it in a production environment.  However, the simplicity of replacing
> >  the ext.db API (or at least a subset of it) got me thinking about
> >  writing a back-end for Amazon's S3, and running my app on EC2.  I
> >  could also imagine back-ends that tie into a relational database such
> >  as MySQL (though I'm not immediately sure of the utility there). I
> >  like developing on AppEngine, but I would like it even more if I could
> >  easily move my applications from AppEngine to a client's server to EC2
> >  and back without major refactoring.  Managing servers sucks, which
> >  makes App Engine amazingly simple, but sometimes you need more
> >  flexibility.
> >
> >  Are there any existing libraries that allow one to use the Data Store
> >  API without being tied to AppEngine? Does anyone see utility in such a
> >  library? I'm not thinking of an abstraction layer, more a drop in
> >  replacement for the API.  The App Engine SDK is released under the
> >  Apache License so I don't see any immediate legal issues, but perhaps
> >  I'm missing something?
> >  >
> >
> >

Nick Johnson, Developer Programs Engineer, App Engine
Google Ireland Ltd. :: Registered in Dublin, Ireland, Registration Number:

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