you can also turn off auto escape.
look at
in a template you would
{% autoescape off %}
{{ value-with-html }}
{% endautoescape %}

On Mar 2, 10:48 pm, slenno1 <> wrote:
> Hey everyone,
>      I am currently working with a section of a site that takes user
> input using Django forms:
>   description = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows':
> '10', 'cols': '80'}))
> The only problem however is that this ignores any html tags that are
> added in by the user and just prints them along with the text entered
> in by the user. For example, a user may type in "The quick brown fox
> <b>jumps</b> over the lazy dog", with the word 'jumps' intended to be
> bold, but the html tags are just printed a long with the text. Is this
> because I am possibly using the wrong widget? Any feedback is greatly
> appreciated, thanks!

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