I'm trying to make a composite image using the Images module. The idea
is that an image is pasted over another, with full opacity, but based
on the alpha channel; Composite image is to have the sum of both

However, when I try the following:

im1 = images.Image(urlfetch.Fetch(url1).content)
im2 = images.Image(urlfetch.Fetch(url2).content)

im = images.composite(
            [(im1, 0, 0, 1.0, images.TOP_LEFT),
            (im2, 0, 0, 1.0, images.TOP_LEFT)],
            201, 201

The result is im2. According to PIL's composite, this is to be
expected, however, I'm looking for something similar to paste. Is
there any way to do what I'm looking for?


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