
I reckon this has been asked many times, and the general answer is
that we should use a code revision or backup tool.

I recently got my laptop stolen, and hadn't been careful enough with
my backups. Can somebody at Google help me recover my code?

I found a tricky way to do this, but I am afraid I did not have the
remote api handlers installed.
How does one install remote api handlers? Is there a way I can install
the remote api handler without overwriting my app code?

I tried to create a new empty version of my app and added

    - url: /remote_api
      script: $PYTHON_LIB/google/appengine/ext/remote_api/handler.py
      login: admin

to app.yaml, as instructed in
- http://code.google.com/appengine/articles/remote_api.html
but I get 404 error when trying to use remote_api_shell.py

Thank you for your help.

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