According to the FAQ, per user really means per intranet user here:

"You can also use App Engine for Business to build external applications.
We’re still working out the details on pricing so stay tuned (but don’t
worry, you won't have to pay per user!)."

It seems to be more like a special version of App Engine intended for (not
only) internal use by Google Apps customers.
If this is right, it sounds good.
If it were to introduce some artificial segmentation and the regular App
Engine were to become some strip-down limited version of App Engine for
Business, it wouldn't sound good at all.
But this would be a bad move, and it seems Google is more in the mood for
good moves at the moment ( VP8 :) ).

On May 20, 2010 4:40 AM, "Shinichi Nakanishi" <> wrote:

Yes, if it was Google Apps, it would make sense.  But for App Engine,
I don't think "per user registered in the Apps domain" thing works.
For instance, what if you do not register your domain but use  Is it $0 and still be able to use
features like Hosted SQL?

So, I have no idea what "per user" here means.


On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 18:39, Geoffrey Spear <> wrote:
> On May 19, 6:00 p...

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