I have been playing with Google App Engine for about 8 months and I
find it really convenient. I have created a simple application for our
family where we can view our information and update them etc. In most
part it works great.

However, I am having an issue related to sending bulk email out to all
the members and it does not seem to be reliable. Because of the
restriction in the per minute Quota for emails, i decided to use the
Task Queue and the Mail service combo. I have to send out more than
600 mails but i cannot send out all at once.

I did a small experiment to see the reliability of the Mail API and
the Task Queue API. I set the Task Queue up so that it will process 7
tasks per minute as follows.


Then programmatically i inserted 90 tasks (for test), each processing
one email. To simplify, i used 3 emails ids for the 90 tasks (because
i do not have 90 email ids for testing). So, each email inbox should
receive 30 mails at the end of the test.

Queue emailQueue = QueueFactory.getQueue("email-queue");
int j = 0;
for (String emailID : receivers) {

the emailSender is mapped to a servlet which actually sends the mail
out. I am not inserting the code for that because it is standard code.
I can see from administration page  that 600 tasks are inserted into
the queue and over time all of them are processed. No errors are
displayed in the log. However, each of the email inbox receives about
18 or 17 emails and not 30 as expected. The rest of the emails seem to
be lost !!!

I know that the google engine quota page shows that 90 mail api calls
have been made, so i am certain that the request to send mail has gone
out for all 90, which leads me to believe that there is no issue with
the Task Queue. There was also no errors on Quota limits.

So, my question is whether the Mail API is reliable ? Any ideas on
this is appreciated.

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