
I'm having issues with the "total stored data" quota.

My application has stored approx 8mb of data. however, the total
stored data is at 66%.

Now, before you scream 'Indexs' at me, the total stored data amount
started at about 6% yesterday....and slowly has been increasing 1% at
a time every 20 mins or so, depending on how much my app is being
used. eventually it will get to 100%, and my app will cease to work...

Then, for some reason unknown to myself, after a few hours it will
suddenly 'clear' itself, and drop back down to 6%. Its as if some
unknown garbage collector kicks in. This has happened twice so far
this week!

I am writing a Facebook application, hence,  I could do with the
scalability and reliability that appengine provides. I'm very happy to
pay for additional quota if its needed... but, I feel i'll be
mischarged when this type of behavior is present.

It could be a bug in my code.....it could be an appengine fault...
Either way, I just want it sorted out.

Please, if any google engineers present have any thoughts to what
could be happening, let me know.

My application id is: tonyvaadin


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