Steps to reproduce issue:
1. Create a GAE Application that requires userservice.isUserLoggedIn()
to return true.  If not redirect to userservice.createLoginURL(your-
2. Add an iFrame or similar gadget to a Google Sites page.   Set your
GAE app as the content URL.  The site should be on a Google Apps
domain so that a Google Apps user must be logged in to access the
3. Access the page with Internet Explorer  (I've been testing with
version 8)

Expected output:
The hopeful expected output would be that the GAE app would
immediately recognize that the user is logged in, and show its
content.  However, the workflow that seems to occur with Firefox and
Chrome is as follows (and good enough for my purpose):
1. The user logs in to Google Apps before accessing the site.
2. The Sites page loads.
3. The gadget loads, and subsequently loads the GAE app.
4. The GAE app determines that the user is NOT logged in, and
redirects the user to the generated login URL.
5. The resulting login URL pages recognizes that the user is already
logged in, and redirects back to the GAE app
6. The GAE app now recognizes the user, and displays its content in
the gadget's iframe.

Actual results:
With IE, the above workflow all seems to function the same with 2
1.  The redirection to the login page and back seem to be slower, so
that the login page is actually displayed in the gadget iframe for a
brief moment.
2.  Upon redirecting back to the GAE app, the app breaks out of the
iframe filling the entire browser window.

Any advice on how to prevent number 2 would be very helpful.   Also,
if anyone can advise on a way to have a GAE app's Userservice
immediately recognize that the user is logged in without needing to do
the login url loop would be even more helpful.

"The IE-specific issues are going to be related to App Engine and not
gadgets, so I'd suggest asking this question in the App Engine forum.
There are most likely headers being sent during App Engine
authentication that direct some browsers (notably IE) to break out of
frames. The App Engine team would know better than I if there are ways
to mitigate this in certain contexts."

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