On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 10:14 PM, mcilrain <noah.mcilra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't see what the issue is, an abstraction layer will add most of that
> functionality.
> 1. The Matcher API could be very useful for this one.
It is not useful at all. The Matcher API will simply fire a bunch of tasks
for me. I already do this (using task continuations), and at my scale (about
10000 recepients per message) it works well. But each task still has to loop
through a number of channels, and this is slow. The combination of tasks +
looping over channels introduces latency. Latency is bad. I'm hoping that a
batch send method will perform better.

Besides, in my case the Matcher API is not usable at all, because of its
delayed subscription activation. We have discussed this in the Matcher API
trusted testers group.

> 2. Code the client to send heartbeats back to the server, use cron to
> periodically handle any dead connections.
Of course - I already do this, as currently that is the only way. It is
however unnecessarily complex, inefficient, and as a result more expensive
than needed. The proper place to handle this stuff is within the Channel API
itself, the complexity should not be pushed onto its users.

> 4. Abstraction will solve this
> Maybe in some limited use cases. Not in the one I have in mind.

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