
On Apr 6, 3:51 am, Álvaro Degives-Más <> wrote:
> In my case, I have both; the API isn't one particularly apt for user
> authentication (i.e. I'm not looking at limiting users to a somehow
> pre-accredited group) but more for *validation*, in a more or less trivial
> sense. The thing is, as I'm essentially seeing that "trivial" doesn't exist,
> the API is going to be axed, even though I was trying to avoid that.
> As to the scraping issue, you're quite right; the solution is a walled
> garden. Even so, the "big three" are fingerprinted so as to exclude non-SE
> access, as well as access to unauthorized bits (fortunately, the "big three"
> are quite tolerant now toward getting smacked with a 403).

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