Although I was ignoring the $9/app discussion before, now I realize that* I 
want N environments as I develop my app: development, production, test, 
beta,* etc.
And, I would like* all those environments to be identical to my production 
environment (ie: all be "paid" apps)*.  
Thus, to develop properly the cost is N x $9/month.
I'm not enthusiastic about paying for paid app service level when most of 
these environments don't need that level of service.
Yet, I don't want to "discover" that there is a difference between 'free' 
and 'paid' when I finally upload to my production environment.

Paying a little to keep spammy apps away is ok, but I think the payment 
policy should be focused on the person paying the bill and not the apps that 
they generate.  

In fact, I would go further and say that google should really* encourage 
developers to get on the highest service level early in the development 
process. * In particular, always-on and high replication data should be 
encouraged at the prototype stage so developers can feel how fast their apps 
will be and ... and so* we can imagine what we can do with that enhanced 
capability!!    "Appengine developers that pay"* is a market niche that 
google should really give incentives to so we can build and evangelize the 
platform!    In contrast, right now with the current fee structure, I'm on 
the free tier and waiting each time my prototype is called as the instance 
is loaded ... I could pay for always-on but I feel a little silly doing that 
when the prototype is just for me -- the incentives are not aligned 


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