Depending on your entity group/transaction strategy here you might want to
consider Referencing Users to a Dislike/Like Kind:

What happens is (and premature i can say so) your like, dislikes properties
are going to generate a lot of zig-zagging (due to merge join) when you
query for this information (also depending on your index strategy)

class User(db.Model):

class Like(db.Model):
    topic = db.StringProperty() #enumeration
    user = db.ReferenceProperty(User)

class Dislike(db.Model):
    topic = db.StringProperty() #enumeration
    user = db.ReferenceProperty(User)

Your key strategy can be (serial of topic + user.key().name())

And then you can use a pipeline to go thru your Like, Dislike structures and
build a de-normalized Kind you can query safely on.

- i think -

On 9 June 2011 14:49, King <> wrote:

> Hi all :)
> Let's say I have a app called "Opposites Attract".  And in it I have a *
> User* model, and each user has a list of *Likes* and a list of *Dislikes*.
> Each USER can have a maximum of:
> - 200 Dislikes.
> I want to query this information to find out for a given *Like*, what
> other users *Dislike* it or vice versa.  I don't need to return EVERY
> person that likes or dislikes a particular thing.  If I just returned the
> first 100 people found to like/dislike a particular thing, that would be
> acceptable.  *How would it be best to model this?*
> Here ( it speaks
> of a potentially similar example under the *Many to Many* example, and if
> I were to implement it in this way, I would have a class like so:
> class User(db.Model):
>     likes = db.ListProperty(db.Key)
>     dislikes = db.ListProperty(db.Key)
> where the keys in both lists would refer to items from a *Thing* model.
> What I'm wondering is in the App Engine Documentation's example they
> mention:
> "In the example above, the Contact side was chosen because a single person
> is not likely to belong to too many groups, whereas in a large contacts
> database, a group might contain hundreds of members."
> *
> With that quote in mind, does this method suit my example?*  I want to
> design this app so that hundreds of thousands of people can like or dislike
> a thing. So I would feel better if the above quote read "whereas in a large
> contacts database, a group might contain hundreds (OF THOUSANDS) of
> members."
> Also though I expect this doesn't change how I model this particular
> relationship I feel I should mention this in case it does:
> While my concern at the moment is searching ALL users that like or dislike
> a particular thing, my next step would be to search by *Gender* and *
> Location*
> For example:
> "all GIRLS who likes Dogs"
> "everyone in Los Angeles who dislikes Cats"
> --
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