I have a feeling that others have brought up this same question, but a 
search for frontend instances brings back so many results and they're 
difficult to sift through ...

In one of my applications I'm questioning what I see in the "Instances" 
graph for my frontend.

This app used to do a ton of batch processing in the frontend, and 
understandably would show 4-8 instances running at either time, both under 
the Instances link and in the graph. I have since moved almost all of the 
batch processing to backends, and my Instances link now shows just 1-2 
instances, sometimes 3, running at any given time on the frontend (and that 
is total instances not just active). I check it pretty obsessively, and 
always see the results I'm hoping for: the backend is taking up the 
processing with a hard maximum number of instances, while the frontend usage 
is now very light.

So why is it that my instances graph looks like this? It suggests that I 
have 3-4 frontend instances at any given time, never dipping below 2 
(although I have observed 0-1 running for extended periods, and again that 
is total instances not just active). Also, why is the "Active" line always 
showing close to zero? It seems like the Total is overstating and Active is 
understating my actual usage.


I just made these tweaks a couple days ago, so I've yet to see my first 
"bill" showing how many frontend instances I would have been billed for 
under the new pricing model, but I'm afraid it's going to show what I see on 
the graph rather than what I see under the Instances link.

I have a couple other apps which do very little on the frontend and which 
always show at most 2 instances running under the Instances link, and for 
those apps the graph is consistent with what I see elsewhere. It just seems 
to be this one app (app name: mn-live).

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