The security is the rotating session token. 

It works basically like this. A session token is valid for x seconds, and 
then a backlog of x tokens are considered valid. The reason that multiple 
tokens are valid is to support sites using ajax requests which may have 
request/response out of sequence with each other.

Avoiding taking multiple requests per page view into account, and just doing 
a single page/response scenario here's how it happens. This model also 
assumes that each page view is generating a new token, that's not required 
as you can make the token expiration as long as you want for your 

You request a page, which generates a session. Session token is set in a 
Next page request, the token is valid, but expired. A new cookie is set with 
a new session token.
Next page request, same thing.

Now, if you lock your user profile to only accepting one session, then 
hijacking will create a scenario where either the hijacker or user loses 
their session. So..

User creates session, get's token.
Hijacker sniffs token, connects using it, and get's another token.
User makes a request, generating a new token.
Hijacker connects still using the token they had, which generates a new one.


Eventually either the user or hijacker has a token that's expired so a new 
session needs to be created. 

If it's the user, when they log in they invalidate the session the hijacker 
is using and reclaim their access.

Now, it's not fool proof. If the hijacker is using a complicated enough 
system they can keep sniffing and resetting their cookies with the victims 
tokens. They can at least have some access time on the users account. They 
can also just sniff again to jump back on the session when they get kicked 
off. There's no way to make it truely secure, just more difficult.

The biggest problem with gaeutilities though is it's currently pretty much 
unsupported. I've stopped using appengine and with having 2 kids now I don't 
have time to dedicate to a project I'm not using. I learned python writing 
gaeutilities, and have since figured out ways to improve the performance 

I'm open to pull requests, or even to someone forking the project and 
continuing it. I'd be happy to act as an advisor or anything required to 
assist as long as the contributors can deal with my limited availability. If 
anyone just wants to fork the entire project and carry it on as long as I'm 
comfortable with the approaches taken I'd even point everyone to it. The 
only qualification I have is that security remain a primary motivator of 
design. Of course if it's a fork of my code and ideas I'd also like to 
continue to receive credit.

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