You can generate random numbers with some prefix, for example c123, c221,

2011/12/15 Arthur Wiebe <>

> I have a multi tenant scenario where I want to set a namespace by company.
> Here's what I'm planning to do:
> 1) User login to app
> 2) The User entity has a reference to the company the user is part of.
> 3) The app sets the namespace to the key() of the company entity.
> Here's what it kinda looks like in code: (stripped down version)
> class Company(db.Model):
>     company = db.StringProperty()
> class User(db.Model):
>     user = db.UserProperty()
>     company = db.ReferenceProperty(Company)
> user = users.get_current_user()
> q = User.gql('WHERE user = :1', user)
>         if (q.count() == 1):
>             u = q.get()
>             namespace_manager.set_namespace(
> -----------------------------------------
> The reason I want to use something like the key as the namespace is
> because I want users to be able to change their company name. And while
> technically of course we could use a google apps domain, we do not require
> clients to be on google apps, they could use accounts for
> example.
> Does this system make sense to you guys? I'm still learning with app
> engine and Python, so just wanted to run it by some seasoned experts.
> --
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