$60/m or $600/m?

On Wednesday, August 8, 2012 10:10:43 AM UTC+8, Jeff Schnitzer wrote:
> If you've been reading various threads on this list you know that 
> Richard has been having trouble getting his mobile game to run 
> smoothly on GAE.  It's a little unusual because timing is coordinated 
> precisely: 
>  * At T+0, all clients submit scores 
>  * At T+5s, a reaper process aggregates the scores and builds a result set 
>  * At T+10s, all clients fetch scores 
> The question is:  Where to submit the score data so that the reaper 
> can fetch and aggregate it? 
> Here's some answers that didn't work: 
>  * The datastore.  Eventual consistency is too eventual to query for 
> all the scores and get them. 
>  * Pull queues.  There's too much of a delay between task insertion 
> and when it appears for leasing. 
>  * A single backend.  One backend cannot handle more than ~80qps. 
> He eventually got a system working reliably, sharded across ten B1 
> instances, at a cost (beyond other charges) of ~$600/mo.  It can 
> collect a couple thousand scores within the 5s deadline (barely). 
> I thought this was insane, so I built a few experiments to see what 
> other technologies can do, using the exact program logic of Richard's 
> collector.  Here are the results: 
> The environment:  256MB Rackspacecloud VPS running Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS 
> The cost:  $11/mo 
> The command:  ab -c 10000 -n 10000 -r http://theurl  (that's 10k 
> requests, all concurrent). 
> Node.js:  ~2500 qps.  Rock solid through multiple test runs, all 
> complete before the deadline. 
> Java SimpleHTTP:  ~2100 qps.  Had to bump heap up to 128MB. 
> Python Twisted:  ~1600 qps.  Failed a lot of requests on most test runs. 
> Python Tornado:  ~1500 qps, but rock solid through multiple test runs. 
> So basically, an $11/mo VPS server running Javascript vastly exceeds 
> the capabilities of 10 backends at $60/mo each. 
> Jeff 

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