I tried sending back a 302 when I get a head request and that didn't help.  All 
the ips asre different and not all come from planet lab. But I will contact 
planet lab. You would think they would stop however anyway as my site is down 
about 1/8th of the day now.

I will try the suggestions to date and if that doesn't work will seek out a new 
provider or just rename the site and get a new ip. I don't think it is planet 
lab looping as why would they keep changing the ip address? 

I googled the problem and most people suggest getting the provider to help but 
google isn't interested as they have nothing to gain.

I can ask new providers their policy before inning up. 

I did find another person on GAE with an identical problem but apparently he 
gave up.

Today I am already in to 20% of my quota and will soon lose. My only 
advertiser. I have already lost one, and my Adsense revenue is right down 
because of all the downtime.

I also use other google services not related to this site being attacked so if 
no resolution I will vote with my feet.

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