And for the big picture, here's our performance stats for the past 1.5 


Naturally we *did* make changes to the landing page in those 18 months, so 
of course it has to be taken with a grain of salt. And we added https 6 
months ago. 

However, both our Java Profiler and Appstats tell us the landing page has 
no major flaws. So a large share of the slowdown will have to do with App 
Engine IMO. Also note that we switched to F2 and then F4 over time, and we 
always have at least 2 instances running now. While both measures smoothen 
out the spikyness of the stats (and things go really bad when we move to F2 
or just one VM) these expensive actions have almost no effect on the longer 
term trend either. Latency continues to go up.

Any help or suggestions would of course be greatly appreciated! 


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