[Following on the webapp2 vs django thread]

Is there a built in authentication in GAE (other than just 'gmail' users)?
In the previous thread I read that facebook, twitter, and ... users can
automatically login your application.
Is that true? I assume you are referring to Oauth.
But AFAIK, for facebook, I have to use the facebook-sdk (python). I assume
for twitter there is a module as well.

For webapp2, I implemented my account creation and session management.
Most websites who use facebook connect also offer traditional account
I am not sure on how to make it all work together.
Some user will be using facebook connect, others twitter 'connect', others
traditional account creation....

As anyone worked on the whole shebang account creation?

[from previous thread]

webapp2 doesn't provide a 'user account management' thing. App Engine
is something much more than just app instances hosting.

Take for instance built-in Users/authentication service. Using that
you can make it so that any user on the planet with Google Account,
OpenID, OAuth 1 or OAuth 2 (via Cloud Endpoints) can sign in to your
app, w/o you creating an account for them beforehand. All you'd have
to do is something like assign permissions (if there's a permission
concept in your app). So, Django's standalone user account management
doesn't not fully fit into this thing.

You could go ahead and let your users sign in with their twitter,
facebook, yahoo and what have you accounts. Who uses passwords these
days, anyway :)

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