Apologies for the frustration. We're aware that docs are a pain point for 
developers and are always working on improving them. Be assured we're 
monitoring threads like these and making note of feedback for future 
iterations of our documentation. Having more recipe style solutions is 
something I'd like to see more of as well (dispense with the verbage and 
show me the code, it will usually explain it much more concisely).

As a general suggestion, a lot of issues and corner cases end up getting 
documented outside of the official docs on the other sites we're active on 
<https://cloud.google.com/support/docs/community> such as Stack Exchange, 
GitHub, Reddit and the official issue trackers (and of course Google 
Groups). Frequent and targeted use of our namesake search engine is 
encouraged (for instance Googling the two error messages for me leads 
straight to the relevant sources of information on the first hits via Stack 

On Saturday, February 25, 2017 at 12:26:25 PM UTC-5, Richard Cheesmar wrote:
> Update: The fix for the  
> HTTPException: Invalid and/or missing SSL certificate for URL:
> solution here: 
> https://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=13477
> was correct, but the cacerts.pem file was corrupted somehow, replacing 
> that again sorted that out properly but didn't resolve the first issue. The 
> first issue noted was because the server time and computer times were out 
> of sync. In my case it is because my computer is in Turkey and Turkey did 
> not change from summertime this year, hence it is out of sync with the rest 
> of the planet! 
> Set this to automatic with asian time server and it's ok. 
> None, of the reasons above negate my comments on Google Docs though. 
> Off to have the other half of the bottle of zanax now.
> On Saturday, February 25, 2017 at 5:31:22 PM UTC+3, Richard Cheesmar wrote:
>> I have been experimenting with some of the Google Examples, which I have 
>> to say is a bit of a nightmare!
>> I'm following the example here 
>> https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/python/appidentity/ to 
>> retrieve an access token on the develoment server (MacOS Sierra) using 
>> Pycharm.
>> I have indeed setup a service account on the Cloud Console, something you 
>> have to scrape around to find out for yourself and it is being retrieved 
>> correctly via 
>> app_identity.get_service_account_name()
>> However, I am getting this error: 
>> *** InternalError: Error getting access token. Response code: 400, 
>> Content: {
>>   "error" : "invalid_grant",
>>   "error_description" : "Invalid JWT: Token must be a short-lived token 
>> and in a reasonable timeframe"
>> }
>> I assume I have provided the service account with the correct permissions 
>> for what I want, which are:
>> Storage Object Creator
>> Storage Object Viewer
>> Service Account Actor which I assume I need to access the token, not 
>> really sure.
>> I would appreciate some direct Google help here or any help from someone 
>> that can give me an answer not a choice of paradigms. I have to say that 
>> the Google Docs are failing dramatically. It is near impossible without 
>> pouring over the stuff for hours to get clear recipe style format for 
>> performing simple tasks. When there is smidgeon of hope it goes down the 
>> toilet fast with an error for example, you set up the service accounts get 
>> your key sorted  run your code and wham:
>> HTTPException: Invalid and/or missing SSL certificate for URL:
>> arrives like a big fat palm to smack you across the kisser. You Google and 
>> Stackoverflow some more, and find out it's a bug with outdated certificates 
>> in the sdk. Great, you fix that, try not to bang your head 
>> against the nearest hard object, because then you won't have a computer to 
>> work on, take a deep breath and run again. The bug above is where you 
>> arrive. 
>> Do us techs a favour Google, if you are going to create software you want us 
>> to use, provide adequate documentation to allow us to use them without 
>> reaching for the damn zanax. Recipies, 
>> and more recipes with clear cut examples. I'm not a technical mystery 
>> detective, I'm a simple minded developer that is fed up to the back teeth of 
>> having to trawl through your min
>> efield of documents just to do some simple

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