Hi Yao,

> 1 Cloud SQL Connection. I set cloud_sql_instances connection name but it
doesn't work. I tried use its actual IP or 'localhost' as host name,
neither of them work.

Do you use Cloud SQL first generation? If so, unfortunately it's not
supported on App Engine Flex.

Here is the document for how to connect to Cloud SQL second generation from
App Engine Flex:

Note that you need to enable `sqladmin` API on your project. You can use
this link to enable it:

Also you have to explicitly use a user and the password, whereas App Engine
Standard will automatically use root and the password is bypassed.

Re: /dev/stderr

I think you can use the constant STDERR like:
fwrite(STDERR, "message" . PHP_EOL);

On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 9:52 AM Yao Li <y...@sazze.com> wrote:

> 1 Cloud SQL Connection. I set cloud_sql_instances connection name but it
> doesn't work. I tried use its actual IP or 'localhost' as host name,
> neither of them work.
> 2. Logging. It has some issue to open logfile:/dev/stderr as the following
> log file, Aura use several levels, info, warning, error.
> 08:45:05.000 2017/04/21 15:45:05 [error] 37#0: *54 FastCGI sent in
> stderr: "PHP message: ALERT-SIMULATION - Unable to open logfile:
> /dev/stderr (attacker '', file '/app/vendor/my_company/aura/Aura.php', line
> 143)
> 08:45:05.000 PHP message: PHP Warning: SIMULATION - php_uname() has been
> disabled for security reasons in /app/vendor/my_company/aura/Aura.php on
> line 143" while reading response header from upstream, client: 172.*.*.3,
> server: , request: "POST /Users/loginAction HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://
>", host: "monitor-dot-my-company.appspot.com", referrer: "
> https://monitor-dot-my-company.appspot.com/Users/signIn";
> On Thursday, April 20, 2017 at 4:05:05 PM UTC-7, Takashi Matsuo (Google)
> wrote:
>> Hi Yao,
>> On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 2:41 PM Yao Li <y...@sazze.com> wrote:
>>> It works like a charm after add memcache extension, thanks!
>> Glad to hear!
>>> In the very beginning, I deployed a default service in standard
>>> environment (my-company.appspot.com) and then a monitor service in flex
>>> environment now (monitor-dot-my-company.appspot.com).
>>> 1. The default service could access Cloud SQL in standard environment
>>> before, but monitor service cannot in flex environment now.
>>> I did configure to authorize the app in Google Cloud Platform dashboard,
>>> SQL page, Access Control label, does it only work for standard environment?
>>> (standard and flex in my case have same ip)
>> On App Engine Flex, you have to add Cloud SQL's connection string in your
>> app.yaml like:
>> ```
>> beta_settings:
>>     cloud_sql_instances: "CONNECTION_NAME"
>> ```
>> You should be able to get the connection name on the Cloud SQL section of
>> the Console.
>>> 2. php echo and Aura::infoLog (Aura is my company PHP framework) don't
>>> print anything out in flex env and they do work in standard one, is there
>>> specific log or debug tool in flex environment?
>> We're working hard on the Logging and Tracing library, and they're
>> getting really close. I'll keep you updated. Our current plan for Logging
>> is to provide a PSR-3 compatible Logger, with Error Reporting capability.
>> Stay tuned!
>> Well, so what's the current status?
>> On App Engine flex, standard out and standard err are captured and should
>> be available on the Logging console. You may need to select the log name
>> selector to choose stdout and stderr. Unfortunately, syslog() is not
>> supported on App Engine Flex. What low level function does Aura use under
>> the cover?
>> Thanks,
>>> On Thursday, April 20, 2017 at 11:34:02 AM UTC-7, Takashi Matsuo
>>> (Google) wrote:
>>>> The `Memcache` class comes with `memcache` extension.
>>>> To enable `memcache` extension on App Engine flex, you can add a
>>>> dependency in your `composer.json`.
>>>> ```
>>>> $ composer require 'ext-memcache:*'
>>>> ```
>>>> Then our runtime will automatically enable the memcache extension for
>>>> you.
>>>> The memcache service for App Engine Flex is currently Alpha.
>>>> https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/php/upgrading#memcache_service
>>>> You can request access at:
>>>> https://docs.google.com/a/google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfGMYNeKC0G5aw6GEiocL1DjT2H5AFUCqsbxoerfuj3Y1rHxw/viewform?c=0&w=1
>>>> Or you can use 3rd party service like redislab:
>>>> https://redislabs.com/
>>>> One more note around Memcache.
>>>> There are two extensions for using memcached; `memcache` and
>>>> `memcached` extensions. Yeah it's confusing, but in short, the `memcache`
>>>> is an old one, and not actively maintained. On our runtime, we only provide
>>>> `memcached` extension for PHP 7.0.x and PHP 7.1.x. So if you have a plan to
>>>> migrate to PHP 7, I recommend that you look into `memcached` extension,
>>>> instead of `memcache`.
>>>> Of course you can do:
>>>> ```
>>>> $ composer require 'ext-memcached:*'
>>>> ```
>>>> To enable the extension on our runtime.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 11:21 AM Yao Li <y...@sazze.com> wrote:
>>> As the following doc, Memcache is not available at GAE flex environment.
>>>>> https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/php/upgrading
>>>>> On Thursday, April 20, 2017 at 8:56:24 AM UTC-7, Yao Li wrote:
>>>>>> I do have the plan to upgrade to 7.0+, but current system is in 5.6
>>>>>> and I have to figure out it.
>>>>>> Actually it's not XCache issue, it's Memcache issue.
>>>>>> My company PHP framwork use Memcache for session handler and it works
>>>>>> in standard environment, but failed when I do new \Memcache().
>>>>>> I cmd + click to go to the class definition which is in
>>>>>> php.jar/stubs/memcache/memcache.php in IDE, but the program stopped when
>>>>>> execute new \Memcache() in GAE flex environment (php).
>>>>>> On Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at 10:05:15 PM UTC-7, Takashi Matsuo
>>>>>> (Google) wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Yao,
>>>>>>> So adding to my previous e-mail, the `opcache` zend extension is
>>>>>>> also an extension for opcode caching. XCache  used to be a viable option
>>>>>>> for opcode caching, but it is not very actively maintained.
>>>>>>> I recommend that you try using opcache, and see if there's enough
>>>>>>> performance gain.
>>>>>>> Speaking of performance, the runtime supports PHP 7.0.x and 7.1.x,
>>>>>>> and they are quite fast. Is migrating to newer PHP an option for you?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 4:06 PM Yao Li <y...@sazze.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I used XCache in GAE standard environment (PHP 5.5) and it works,
>>>>>>>> but it doesn't in flex one (PHP 5.6).
>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at 2:11:54 PM UTC-7, Takashi Matsuo
>>>>>>>> (Google) wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Yao,
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the report. My understanding is XCache is for opcode
>>>>>>>>> caching, and the last release is 20140918.
>>>>>>>>> We're using the standard `opcache` zend extension, and it has been
>>>>>>>>> working pretty well for us.
>>>>>>>>> The runtime already has the extension, so only you need is to put
>>>>>>>>> php.ini with the following content.
>>>>>>>>> ```php.ini
>>>>>>>>> zend_extension=opcache.so
>>>>>>>>> ```
>>>>>>>>> Please try it out and let us know how it works for you!
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 1:40 PM Yao Li <y...@sazze.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> BTW, XCache is used in my company PHP framework and it caused
>>>>>>>>>> failure without any error message when access the home page (root 
>>>>>>>>>> /), it
>>>>>>>>>> works after comment out the code with XCache.
>>>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at 12:17:46 PM UTC-7, Takashi Matsuo
>>>>>>>>>> (Google) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks! That makes sense. I will make the change soon and let
>>>>>>>>>>> you know when it's done!
>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 10:10 AM Yao Li <y...@sazze.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I add flag -m to preserve environment variable (composer_auth
>>>>>>>>>>>> which has gitlab token to composer install private repos) in 
>>>>>>>>>>>> composer.sh
>>>>>>>>>>>> line 81:
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/php-docker/blob/master/php-nginx/composer.sh
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at 9:57:03 AM UTC-7, Takashi
>>>>>>>>>>>> Matsuo (Google) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Yao,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 8:48 AM Yao Li <y...@sazze.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I found an error in the log, it complains "FastCGI sent in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stderr: "PHP message: ALERT-SIMULATION - Unable to open logfile:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /dev/stderr".
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I did create a docker image for my business requirement (use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> own PHP framework on nginx) based on Google Cloud Platform 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> php-nginx.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/php-docker/tree/master/php-nginx
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Glad you figured it out, although it doesn't seem like the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> real issue. The 'ALERT_SIMULATION' indicates that the suhosin 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> extension is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> just emitting a warning, and it shouldn't stop the app.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anyways, do you mind telling me what was the required change
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for you? Maybe we can incorporate your change so that you will be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> able to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> just use our image.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at 8:39:55 AM UTC-7, Takashi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Matsuo (Google) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Yao,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also feel free to send the app to me if possible so that I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can try to reproduce. I'm happy to debug it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 6:32 PM Takashi Matsuo <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tma...@google.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Yao,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you put the index.php in the project root folder, you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't have to add the document_root.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here is the minimum app:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ```
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ tree
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ├── app.yaml
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> └── index.php
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0 directories, 2 files
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tmatsuo@t-glaptop:~/work/simplestapp$ cat index.php
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <?php
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> echo 'Hello world';
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tmatsuo@t-glaptop:~/work/simplestapp$ cat app.yaml
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> env: flex
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> runtime: php
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> service: my-service
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ```
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> After deploying, I can access the app at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://my-service-dot-my-app.appspot.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If it returns 500 HTTP error, I suggest that you go to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Logging console at:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://console.cloud.google.com/logs/viewer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and see what's happening there.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 4:40 PM Yao Li <y...@sazze.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I followed setting in the doc:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/php/configuring-your-app-with-app-yaml#general
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There is a index.php file in my project root folder (for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> example, my project name is project_folder, it's app in the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doc), as the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> above doc, I don't have to change the document root in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> app.yaml, but it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> failed and has 500 when visit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> service.myproject.appspot.com (I deployed it as a service
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in GAE Flex environment, I tested deployment in standard 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> environment and it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shows 'Hello World' as expected, everything is same except 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> runtime, env and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> service in the app.yaml).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I tried to define runtime_config: document_root as '/', or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> '/project_folder', neither of them work.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I even created a folder web under root folder and a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index.php test file as follow in app.yaml, but it still 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't find the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index.php file.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> runtime_config:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     document_root: web
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How to define document_root correctly?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
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