On Tuesday 11 August 2009 00:10:15 Bartholomew Furrow wrote:
> > Clicking on the the Participate button takes me to the Google Accounts
> > login
> > page, even though I am already logged in.  Nothing I do there seems to
> > get me
> > anywhere.  This is using Firefox 3.5.1.
> Ken,
> The reason it's asked you to log in again is that we're using Google App
> Engine, which doesn't want to assume that logging into gmail means that
> you're comfortable logging into <random app here>.  As a side effect, it
> also means they don't assume you're comfortable logging into Code Jam. 
> Does it work OK if you log in, or does it show you some sort of error
> message?
> Bartholomew

None of the above.  Clicking on the participate button takes me to the account 
login page 

Signing in on that page with the correct password takes me to the same page 
without any errors or warnings

Signing in with an incorrect password also takes me to the same page but 
displays an expected warning message.

I just tried this with Opera and it took me to the appropriate registration 
page.  The difference could be because of the different browser, or could be 
because Opera doesn't have any previous knowledge of my gmail login.  
Presumably I could register with either Opera or IE7, I am not doing so only 
I can assist in debugging a possible problem.

Thanks for your help,

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